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Tools are located under the tools/ subdirectory. Each tool directory must have manifest.yaml and Dockerfile.template.

Template files are located in @template/.


The manifest file contains all information about a tool except for the installation instructions. The schema is available at - the source is located here

# yaml-language-server: $schema=
name: foo
version: 1.2.3
binary: fooctl
check: ${binary} --version | cut -d' ' -f3 | tr -d v
- bar
- baz
- linux/amd64
- linux/arm64
- docker
- oci
description: More foo than bar
  datasource: github-releases
  package: foo/foo
  extractVersion: ^v(?<version>.+?)$
  allowPrereleases: false

The following fields are mandatory for uniget to operate:

  • name - The name must be unique and must match the name of the subdirectory under tools/.

  • version - Version contains the version string without any prefixes or suffixes.

The following fields are strongly recommended for additional value:

  • tags - Every tool should have a list of tags. Tags offer a different approach of installing tools by specifying a topics to install multiple tools at once.

  • homepage - The homepage points to a site with more information about the tool, e.g. GitHub project page.

  • description - The description contains a short summary what the tool does, e.g. the description from the GitHub project page.

Optional fields:

  • binary defaults to ${target}/bin/${name} and relativ paths are resolved with ${target}/bin. binary can also be set to false is the tool does not contain a binary, e.g. only configuration files. The availability will be tested using the marker file (see below).

  • check is optional and defaults to check versions using a marker file located at ${uniget_cache}/<name>/<version>. If set check must contain a command or pipe to output the version as stored in version.

  • build_dependencies and runtime_dependencies are lists of dependent tools. Build dependencies are installed before a new version is packages and runtime dependencies are automatically installed before the selected tool(s).

  • platforms - This contains the platforms supported for the tool. If empty or missing, a value of ["linux/amd64"] is assumed.

  • renovate - The fields are used to generate one regex manager per tool. If allowPrerelease is specified, a package rule is generated per tool as well.

  • datasource contains the name of the datasource, e.g. github-releaes and maps to datasourceTemplate

  • package contains the name of the dependency under the specified datasource and maps to depNameTemplate
  • extractVersion defines how to extract the version from maps to extractVersionTemplate
  • allowPrerelease maps to ignoreUnstable


The Dockerfile.template file is used to create the Dockerfile by appending Dockerfile.tail. Due to this process, the Dockerfile.template must define a target called prepare which contains a subdirectory called uniget_install. The contents of this directory will be copied to the final image.

Reference of variables

The following variables are available in Dockerfile.template:

  • arch - system architecture (x86_64 or aarch64)
  • alt_arch - alternative name for system architecture (amd64 or arm64)
  • prefix - used to install into a subdirectory (empty by default)
  • uniget_contrib - XXX (defaults to ${prefix}/var/lib/uniget/contrib)